Highgate Hill House School, a Melrose Education school, has been shortlisted as a finalist for...
Three Bridges School, part of Melrose Education, is delighted to announce that it has achieved...
The Orchard, part of Melrose Education, is proud to announce that it has achieved a...
Melrose Education has reinforced its commitment to inclusive employment practices by committing to being a...
The Stable School were lucky to have Nick Osborn visit for the afternoon and host...
This week, Kerry Taylor, School Principal at Highgate Hill House, a Melrose Education School, achieved...
This month, all nine of Melrose Education’s schools joined NASS, The National Association of Special Schools. NASS...
Orchard Education, a Melrose Education Schoolhas been shortlisted for the nasen awards. The nasen Awards recognise and...
Melrose Education are delighted to have opened their first brand new school, Coombswood School. The...
This month, Melrose Education acquired Belgrave School, making it the 8th school to join the...